Well, no, actually it isn't, at least not when it's January 24th and the temperature at first light at home is hovering somewhere around 14 degrees or so. But there's a Robin? Doesn't that mean it's spring? No, it means the Robins that are normally hanging out in the denser parts of the parks around here in Winter here have discovered that the Cleveland Pear trees in our neighbors yard were loaded with fruit, most of which has fallen to the ground now. They've been feeding on it for a few weeks now, joined by flocks of Starlings. This is also what the Cedar Waxwing I rescued late in the afternoon a few days ago was feeding on with the rest of its flock. Just as a sidenote, one usually doesn't see Waxwings in the same place two days in a row. This flock was here two days in a row- maybe they discovered they had a missing member and waited for it to show up before they left?
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