No, just a Coot at Huntley meadows (click on the picture to get a better look at those red eyes). There was a pair of these near the boardwalk, allowing some nice shots. Coots are in a family of odd waterbirds- they're not ducks. Mainly vegetarians. They're also divers- they disappear suddenly and then pop back to the surface with water rolling off their backs. If you see one out of the water their feet are huge- looking as if they borrowed their big brothers shoes.
Completed a Birdathon for Audubon naturalist Society yesterday- went out the door at about 7:00 and by the time I rolled back in at 8:00 in the evening I had recorded 70 species of birds, ranging from Bald Eagles to Ruby-throated Hummingbirds to Yellow-billed Cuckoos. Spent time at Huntley Meadows, Mason Neck State Park, and Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge.