The Daylilies are coming into full bloom on a beautiful spring morning. We've had a string of 90 degree or higher days thrown at us and to make up for it yesterday barely got past 80 or so with very low humidity. The Stella D'Oro lilies have been in full bloom for a few weeks; the regular ones shown here are just getting there. The ornamental beans over near the fence have grown a foot in a few days and are starting to wind their way around the string I just put up for them. All the tomatoes have really taken off- several of the earlier planted ones are now at about three feet and climbing. I'm trying to keep them pruned and have been removing suckers- as we have eight plants there is going to be a good supply of tomatoes.
All the Purple and Indian Milkweed seedlings that were growing down in the basement under plant lights have been repotted and moved outside, and appear to be doing well. Some of the Purple Milkweed seedlings will be donated to Meadowlark Gardens when they've gotten a bit bigger. The Elephant Ears have all sprouted and in a few more weeks will be displaying their three foot long leaves at the plots near the driveway and beside the pond. They make the yard look very tropical.
On the ornithological side of things, we discovered a Cardinals nest with two eggs in it near the deck. Checked on it this morning and the eggs have disappeared- possibly a Crow or a Blue Jay found them and decided they'd have a snack.
I got a few decent phone shots of your yard, but I liked this one the best: http://instagr.am/p/FjroW/