This is the little plot on the side of the garden- always interesting to see what comes out of the compost pile. Seen in the top picture, left to right, are an odd pair of heirloom tomatoes from Russia, Purple and Indian Milkweed plants in pots which are about to be transplanted, an Avocado, another regular red tomato, a Ginger plant, three different members of the squash family (Pumpkin, Delicata, and Butternut Squash) and a row of ornamental beans along the fence. All the squash plants originally started in the compost pile. The second picture is, I suspect, a pumpkin- it's about 10" or so around right now. The little light colored patch near the gate at the bottom of the fence is a Cicada Killer burrow- there's a few more in and around the plot.
Also noted recently were Goldfinches feeding on something on the Swamp Milkweed- they're so light they barely make the milkweed stems bend down. They also get busy on the Black-eyed Susans and various other daisy like plants at this time of the year taking the seed heads apart.
Noted at or near the feeders this morning were Hummingbirds, Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers, Mourning Doves, a Towhee, Carolina Chickadees, Titmice, and a Song Sparrow.
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