Well, we had our 75 degree days a few weeks ago in Winter, so I guess this had to happen. A dusting of snow making the Forsythia look pretty. Sun is already coming out, so this should all be gone by this evening.
In other news, found this huge snake in the basement stairwell yesterday. Lucky that I saw him before I vacuumed the leaves out of the stairwell. This is a Brown Snake, Storeria dekayi. They're completely harmless unless you're an earthworm. This one was all of about 9" long, which for this species is adult size (they get up to 13" long). Amusingly enough, when I reached for him he flattened out his body and assumed a threat posture, which might have been more effective if he was a little bigger. He'll live in the basement in a plastic bin for a few weeks until it warms up a bit and we can release him back into the yard.
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