Well, after a trip to Missouri hoping that I wouldn't miss this in bloom, I didn't. This was a three foot tall single stemmed Redbud that sprouted up at the top of our hill three years ago. I decided to transplant it down to where our Yoshino Cherry once was in hopes of getting a little color back in that area of the yard. When I dug it up it came up with no soil around the few roots it had- where it was growing was in a sandy clay like mix. I thought that if it survived it would be a miracle. The similar size one that I left up there is now about 8 feet tall and bloomed last year. This one, growing in much better soil, is about two feet taller, has two trunks, one about 2" thick and the other a bit smaller, and didn't bloom at all last year. It looks as though it's going to make up for it this year.
In other news, all the Hostas have sprouted, Columbine of several different colors is sprouting all over the yard, and there's still Daffodils coming up. We discovered that there's a lot of the miniature ones coming up in the front plot. There's three small wild Columbine plants coming up in one spot where there were only two last year- looks like some self-seeding took place. Violets are in bloom here and there in the yard.
On the bird front, a Chipping Sparrow showed up yesterday at the feeder and a Towhee (also known as a Ground Robin) has been hanging around for a few days. I'm hoping the Towhee likes the brushpile up at the top of the hill. They like foraging around in brushy areas.
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