This is a migratory Columbine. We received a few clumps of Royal Lily Hostas a few years ago that had these blue Columbines mixed in with them. They happily lived amongst the Hostas for a few years until the Hostas grew thick enough to crowd them out. They have since moved sideways, and are now happily colonizing more parts of the yard. These are the first colors to come out- there's some pale pink ones just coming out, the smaller native ones are just budding, and the huge clump of double ones up on the hill are also just starting to bud.
Also poking their first shoots up are the Swamp Milkweed and the Butterfly Weed, both milkweeds. There will hopefully be three more varieties if some seeds I have in the refrigerator germinate when planted in two weeks, so the Monarchs will be happy. Ajuga, Creeping Phlox, and Violets are in bloom. The Monarda is up about six inches, and the bank of white Azaleas is in full bloom across the back of the yard.
On the fauna side of things, a new species of dragonfly paid a visit to the pond today- a Painted Skimmer.
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