Spent an hour at Huntley Meadows today on a glorious Spring day. A nice catch was a group of three Spotted Turtles sunning themselves within three feet of each other- they're not common so seeing three together is unusual. While on the observation tower watched this Carolina Chickadee feeding on new leaf sprouts for fifteen minutes or so. This was a new behavior to me as I thought they shifted over to insects at this time of the year. this one was really going to town on the buds.
In addition to the residents, heard two new arrivals- the familar witchedy-witchedy-whitch of a Common Yellowthroat (saw it moments afterwards), probably the most common warbler in the park, and heard a White-eyed Vireo making their odd call somewhere in the brush. Also saw the first dragonflies of the year yesterday at Huntley- six or seven Green Darners, usually the first of the dragonfly species to show up every year.
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